Smarter iPhone Calendars with Sunrise

Sunrise [App Store, Free] is a ​relatively new app that's great for keeping track of your life. I've been using it for a month now and I'm very happy with it. 

​Sunrise interface. 

​Sunrise interface. 

What's best for me about Sunrise is that I can add calendar events quickly with natural language input. What that means in English is that I can tap and hold the '+' button on the top right and it gives me a dialog box where I can type "Lunch with Scott next Tuesday at 11:30AM at Jimmy's" and it will know exactly what I want to do with that. It will put the entry as "Lunch with Scott" next Tuesday, April 9, at 11:30 AM. It will even look up Jimmy's here in Lewisburg and give me a map if I need directions. ​

Sunrise syncs with Google Calendar, Facebook birthdays, and LinkedIn calendar. It's free and you should give it a try. ​

❯ Sunrise Website

Chad LandmanComment