HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT National Treasure - all sorts of clues to a great enormous treasure were hidden in plain sight all around Philly, DC and other famous places Cleveland women - 3 women held captive inside a neighborhood home for 10 YEARS + This house wasn't out in the county - 3 miles from their home + There wasn't anything overly suspicious + The men played in a Peurto Rican band + Visitors had come to the house and seen nothing out of the oridinary How could someone NOT BE FOUND for 10 years in a neighborhood? How well do you know your neighbors? Do you REALLY know them? This isn't for you to look suspiciously at everyone, or think that women are being held captive in your neighbor's basements Ask yourself: Would I notice if anything different was going on in my neighborhood? And how well do I really know my neighbors? We don't wany to be nosy We don't want to embarrass ourselves But are we just too involved in our own little world to care? We're all busy - how many times have you found out that someone was sick or lost their job in your neighborhood two or three weeks later? + What neighbor needs some food? + What neighbor just lost a job? + What neighbor has a marriage hanging on by a thread? + What neighbor is lonely? + What neighbor could use someone to run an errand? + What neighbor needs Christ? LUKE 10.25-37 Verse 29: Neighbor - PLESION - the near - which means someone who is near you Think about how many people are close to you everyday - + The people you sit around in class + The people you sit around at lunch + The people on your ball team + The people you work with + The people you come into conact at work with + People at church + People at other churches, schools, and while you're shopping The people you are near are the people you can make the most impact Verse 33: Compassion- SPLANCHNIZOMI - "to be moved as to one's inwards" We must have a deep love to serve others to be moved enough to help them We must always be looking for the people right in our faces when we are saying "Who can I help?" We must be moved to help people as we would be by an emotional movie